Carpenter Counseling Service
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Referrals - Counselors that do a good job are referred by their clients, counseling peers, and other professionals (physicians, lawyers, etc.)
Web Search - Perform a web search of counselors in your area, and get an idea of their location, hours, specialties, and personal philosophy.
The Call - Call counselors in your area, and ask questions such as, "What is your background and experience?" "What areas do you specialize in?" "Do you specialize in the area I am interested in?" "What is your fee, and how is it handled?"
The Call Back - Counselors should return calls in a timely manner. When a potential client calls, they have a need, and that need should be addressed. If a counselor does not return the call in a timely manner (and has left no indication that they are out of the office for some reason), cross them off the list.
The Visit - Once you have found a counselor, schedule a session with them. We always tell our clients that the first session is about getting to know one another. You must have a good "fit" with your counselor. If you are in doubt after the first session, begin the process again. Do not worry about offending the counselor; good counselors realize the importance of the relationship.
Advocate - Finally, advocate for yourself! Just as you do with your healthcare, take time to research, and find the best fit. If you have any questions about the above, just call. To us, community education is a vital part of our job.
To schedule an appointment, please call: 816-797-7555